I want to lose weight!?!

Question: I am on this diet that my friend told me about. It's called the top bun diet. I am allowed to eat hamburgers as long as I don't eat the top bun. She told me that the top bun has the highest carb content, and I would lose weight if I took that out. I have also been avoiding fish. The only meat I've been eating is beef. Is this a good diet to be on?

Answers: I am on this diet that my friend told me about. It's called the top bun diet. I am allowed to eat hamburgers as long as I don't eat the top bun. She told me that the top bun has the highest carb content, and I would lose weight if I took that out. I have also been avoiding fish. The only meat I've been eating is beef. Is this a good diet to be on?

lmao! Possibly the stup1dest diet ive ever heard of. Go for it!!

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  • yes

    as long as you're eating some veggies, not just burgers!

    You won't lose weight by eating... Eat the same stuff you were eating before but less of it.

    YOUR FREIND IS FULL OF u know what.. WHy does the top bun have more carb content..


    just because you take the top bun off dosent mean your going to lose weight,
    i mean how many burgers do you eat.
    if you go vegetarian you will lose weight faster because meat sits in your stomach and colon and rots and bloats you.


    That has got to be the stupidest diet I've ever heard. Hell no of course it won't work, you'll probaly get fatter if you eat so many burgers.

    Top bun...HA!

    bad diet! try atkins or just try to eat more fruits and veggies and avoid red meat~!! red meat is the worst thing u can eat on a diet... no bread either... but fish is good it has healthy fats

    NO! It's incredibly unhealthy.

    i see someone has been lying to you

    eat healthy and excersie is the best diet.

    fish is better than beef and you wont lose much weight if you keep eating hamburgers period.

    no, you're trying to do Atkins without really doing it. Eat fish - it's great with low carbs - you want to lower your carbs, cut out the sugar (of all kinds) and eat lots of veggies!

    no bread, pasta, rice, sugar
    eat meat, fish, chicken, salads & vegetables

    You are on a good start by cutting out part of the bun, but the only true way to lose weight it by cutting out sugar and whites(white bread, rice, white flour) and by also monitoring your calorie intake. I have tried so many different diets and have had the best results by not eating sugar and white bread. Even when I am not exercising, i still lose weight!

    no! beef has wayyy more fat and carb than fish eat fish burgers.

    no,meat is not a good thing to be on a diet with.u need vetables and fruit,and to exercise alot,NOT meat

    probably not- i don't think so.... your body isn't used to it so i don't think it's healthy.....i think you should just stick to excercise and eating healthy- vegetables, low fat stuff-etc...

    Are you eating anything else? You got bread, tab bit of veggies and meat, sounds okay to me but gotta watch out for the mayo and ketup.

    I think this top bun diet is crap! I'll recommend you to lower your carbo intake. Meaning: bread (include the top bun), rice, noodles, potatoes and any sugar drinks. Eat meat is ok, but need to take more fibre and water. It allow you to clear your body.

    I usually don't eat any buns anymore...and I've stopped eating the bread on my sandwhiches...which is ridiculous I know. I usually try just eliminating empty carbs. (chips, white bread etc.) And I eat whole grain bread, if I have to. Eat more fruits and veggies. They keep you full for longer. Also, apples are like magic. I eat one for breakfast every morning. I heard somewhere that the amount of calories it takes to eat an apple is the same amount of calories that are inside. Also, some foods claim to be fat free...but they are really higher in sugar. Look for things without corn syrup and without hydrogenated oil.

    Go on a low carb diet. No soda (unless its diet), drink lots of water.....and dont eat either bun!! Chicken eggs cheese veggies and beef is good!

    Fish is something you shouldn't be avoiding,and if you want to lose weight, try cutting out all sodas/juices etc. That will help out BIG time. Also, try eating at least 3-4 times a day instead of once or twice. Eating only once/twice a day will not help you lose any weight. Drink lots of water,and stay away from greasy foods like fries and other junk foods. Good luck.

    No your not going to lose weight if you stop eating. you should go on a diet witch stops you eating fast food and chocolate then ypu should run or power walk around the block for 10 minutes..........and in 4 weeks you shall have lost alot of weight

    no actually bread and pastas have more fiber and protien meaning they stick to the bones fish is good but still only small servings limit the beef have turkey instead try to eat as many vegs as possible no fried fooods and drink plenty of water you will lose weught in your sleep oh remember eat when you are hungry dont force yourself!

    No, definitely not. Beef is high in saturated fat. Fish, on the other hand, is very good for you if it is cooked health (i.e. not fried). Try limiting your red meat intake and eating lean cuts of meat such as boneless, skinless chicken breast and fish. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains and be sure to get some low-fat dairy every day.

    why not fish?
    fish is really good for you as long as it's not battered and fried, and even still, it's very high in protein!
    you want to have a balanced diet, not only consisting of meat. . . include veggies too! and carbs (although many of you may not suggest this) will make you feel fuller longer and you won't want to snack as much later on.

    why not chicken? chicken is better for you than beef! you don't have to refrain from all meats.. it's not about taking stuff out, it's about balancing your diet.

    drink lots of water, get lots of rest, eat breakfast to get your metabolism going, eat your veggies!

    I think that diet will only work if your daily diet used to consist of hamburgers. Cutting out 100-200 calories a day will result in modest weight loss, so not eating the bun top would work. You would also lose weight if you had an open-faced sandwich at lunch or didn't have a latte, or anything else that was 100-200 calories that you cut out.
    you don't want to eat just beef. Eat lean proteins like skinless chicken breast and turkey.
    It's better to get healthy eating habits, otherwise when you're done with the "top bun" diet you'll just gain the weight back. In moderation, you can eat whatever you like! And don't forget the exercise, otherwise you'll be losing your muscles.

    u cant just be eatin burgers u need to have a lil bit of everythin u need veggies fruits i would suggest u try to stay away from red meat try having some chicken or fish its good for you and maybe even try some pills hydroxycut works well just drink lots of water and workout at least 3 times a week now a days everything is bad for you all u have to do is eat small portions a lil bit of everythin

    meat has more fat than fish. i think you should take a ballance diet. take more warm water, do you know the water helps burn our fat inside. take more fruits or you can try detox diet. i manage to control my weight by taking more fruits and vege and try to avoid red meat. good luck

    i would say that it is great you arent totaly going on the veggies only witch is great!! all diets are different for everyone and this maybe the one for you
    people can say that it is silly and what not but if it is wortking for you i say go for it!!!

    no, bread is high on carbs but wtf, the top and bottom bun dun make no difference. and dun avoid eating fish it's probably the most nutritious meat there is, it also help aid ur brain, you should consider replacing beef with fish :)

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