How much weight should i lose?? (pics)?!


i'm sorry if the links don't work.
5ft 3in
105 lb


i'm sorry if the links don't work.
5ft 3in
105 lb

Girl, be careful because people that look like you shouldnt be worried about weight. If you want to look good my advice would be to excersize, like hardcore and that is not sit ups those only work one part of the body. There are a few excersizes you can look up in magazines but what it looks like is you need to tone your muscles, not lose weight because that might make you look frail and thin and guys wont like you, I mean guys dont want a girl there afraid to hug because they might break. But they do like toned girls so join a sport like swimming, or just something that will work you unless you think you have enough self discipline to do it yourself. (Work out tonight and if your sore in the morning then you do)

uhm none.. eat something..

None. You are underweight. Gain 10 lbs.

your perfectly fine...=]

geeze none. your really skinny as it is.

hahahahahahhahahahahaha try gaining some weight you look horriable

None. You look pretty the way you are already.

not really any . . . ur a pretty skinny girl!

I'd say like 2-5 pounds. You really don't need to loose any but if you're going to you shouldn't loose more than 5 pounds...that'd be really unhealthy.

I think you are a great size. In fact, you could stand to gain a little weight.

nuthin, ur all good!!!! :)


About a freaking million pounds at least!
You freakin weigh 102830192380123u012931289031203890183098... pounds

None, a slight breeze would knock you over!!!
For goodness sake, eat something!

Yeah... definitely don't lose any weight. You look great as you are and you could even stand to gain some weight.

Your fine.its good to be thin

uh, none...u look good

What the heck are you talking about! You have a great, skinny body and shouldn't lose any weight! I am 5' 4'' and weigh 125 lb, but will weigh 115 in February (I'm working out). That's pretty darn skinny!

None. And btw , tell melissa to go f**k her self and learn how to f**king spell Horrible.

dont worry ur fine XD trust me! o wow. trusting me? Hahaha that'll b a first for my parents XD anyway, it is i who needs 2 get rid of a few pounds, not u XD

None. Why would you want to lose any? I'm also 5ft 3in and I'm 125-130 lbs

None! If anything you should gain 5 lbs, you are way too skinny, and are .1 lbs away from being underweight!

None! You actually look on the too-skinny side.. If anything, just tone up (and even that, you don't really need). Just eat healthy because you're fine!

Love curves :)



Your a dang twig! You don't need to lose any weight! You need to gain 10 pounds!

Looks like you need to start eating not denying it. Get some weight gainer 5000 that should do it.

6 lbs. just to get rid of the slight handles

nice hips
how big are your boobies?

15 pounds

I love your ***.

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