Do you feel bad for fat people?????!

Question: i dont. they wasted a lot of food when their are hungry people out there. what do you think about obese people?????

Answers: i dont. they wasted a lot of food when their are hungry people out there. what do you think about obese people?????

Well since I am a plus sized person I say you dont know what its like to be one of us at all. I do not eat to just eat I eat just enough to feel slightly full then I stop. I dont eat cause Im bored, depressed or angry. I eat to stay alive nothing more. I eat my 3 meals a day with 2 snacks one in the morning at about 10 and one in the evening about 7:30. I Do worry about the hungry men, women and children in our country I a fat person have arrange to have meals prepared by myself and my co workers who range from stick thin and healthy to the plus sized for a local shelter every single day of the week including holidays. Also I dont get treated different cause I have some extra weight on my body. I get treated with respect cause I earned it and worked hard for it. So I say this, you who thinks you know what its like to be plus sized get a fat suit and walk in our shoes for a week to see how it feels. Then ask this question again.

I think they need help in diet and exercise education. I'm here to help.

i feel bad for fat kids

I feel bad for people who are ashamed of their bodies.

I feel bad for people who take pleasure in insulting others.

I feel sad that people still think that diet is the only thing influencing weight.

It depends what has happened to make them so fat, I suppose. It could be genetic, but they may also be pigs. I can't judge them without knowing why!

You must be very young to be so stupid. Everyone has weaknesses. Fat people, like my husband, have difficulties putting good health habits into practice on a regular basis. I'm very fit, but I sure don't think I'm perfect. Good eating and exercise comes naturally to me, but I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when I come across an idiot who thinks he's better than others.

honestly, sometimes i do, but most of the time, i don't. i think some overly obese people are just like crack addicts; they're addicted to food and it's usually the result of very bad decisions on their part. there's so many ways to lose weight: gyms, healthy food, etc. that they can be a healthy weight if they choose to work hard.

but i also realize that sometimes, obesity is the result of other factors [e.g. family, genetics, hormones], and i feel bad for people who have that.

I feel the same way about them as I do about drug addicts and alcoholics.

They need help to fight their addictions.

I only feel bad for them if they have some kind of disorder. Eating can be a disorder. My brother in law has always been chunky as a kid and as an adult he is FAT. I have seen him watch his weight, refuse to go to all you can eat places and he really doesn't eat all that much. He's got a treadmill that he uses and he can't get the weight off. I feel sorry for him, he tries SO hard and can't shed the weight. Other people who don't watch their diet or just plain eat until they are going to explode and sit around on the couch eating and complaining, I don't feel sorry for them. I am lucky that I have a higher metabolism, plus I don't eat all that much, watch the fried foods and take the stairs. I could loose a few pounds, but since it's not a lot, I won't worry about it. If I can loose 5 pounds in a month and a half when I got laid off from work without trying to loose weight, then I know I'm ok.

I only feel sorry for the fat women who wear clothes that belong on skinny women. They are oblivious to how gross they look with their fat hanging out.

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