To weigh or not to weigh?!

Question: That is the Question!!!

I have been told that to weigh yourself is only going to pull you back when you don't actually lose weight, yet i have not bothered with diets for a while now and seem to have put on a lot! I think i was slimmer ( yo yo) when i was obsessive!!

Answers: That is the Question!!!

I have been told that to weigh yourself is only going to pull you back when you don't actually lose weight, yet i have not bothered with diets for a while now and seem to have put on a lot! I think i was slimmer ( yo yo) when i was obsessive!!

I am and always have been obsessive and it don't matter, I still gain. 30 pounds last year.
Still weigh every day and haven't lost any this year. This partying has got to stop!

I weigh myself once a week--no more, no less. I've lost a lot more weight that way than when I checked it several times a day!

I have found that weighing myself too soon after starting a "lifestyle change" just gets me down sometimes. Or when my weight plateaus after a few days.

Weigh yourself now, and then again in a week.

I just read an article about this very subject and the doctor (a homeopath), recommended that you weigh yourself often to keep yourself motivated.

I believe that weighing yourself each day (at the same time) can keep you motivated if you are actually making progress, but can discourage you when you have the normal fluctuations that are part of life (especially if you are a woman).

Personally, I go for the weighing often. I find that if I'm not stepping on the scale, it's because I know that it will confirm that I haven't been eating healthy foods.

I weigh myself once a month. If my clothes feel loose then I am losing weight, if they are getting tight, I'm putting it on. To me that is a better indicator to how a diet is going, rather than weighing myself.

i always weigh myself its fun why not won hurt if u don no plus i ave a beer belly get in

Everyone is different, My husband gets on everyday. I get to frustrated not to see quick results. I have jeans that tell me the truth. As soon as the size six gets tight, I know, time to cut down some carbs.

I try to only weigh myself once a week. Your body has so many fluctuations, even daily, that once a week at the same time is about the best way to get an accurate reading.

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