How can I increase my biceps at home?!

Question: I don't have any weights and I've been doing regular everyday excercises. I do 30 normal pushups, 20 decline pushups and 20 incline push ups. I also do 30 situps for the abs. Are there any excercises for the biceps or should I stick to the pushups? Will this also increase my chest?

Answers: I don't have any weights and I've been doing regular everyday excercises. I do 30 normal pushups, 20 decline pushups and 20 incline push ups. I also do 30 situps for the abs. Are there any excercises for the biceps or should I stick to the pushups? Will this also increase my chest?

Get a pullup bar that you can attach to a doorway. Most sports shops sell them. Chinups and pullups are the best compound movements for bicep development (on top of delt and lat development). Ever see the male gymnasts who do the rings? They all have jacked arms from doing pullup variety movements.

there isn't really any way i would suggest you join a gym i used to hate it when people told me that on yahoo answers but i now i realize that they where right it took me a bout 6 month to listen to them but they where right or you can grow some ball and ask you parents for a weight set (dumbells) or buy them yourself

You can "curl" anything - cans of soup, bags of flour, power tools. Just make sure you can grip it comfortably in your hand, and then execute your standard biceps curl.

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