How do I build my "core" muscles?!

Question: Brief history: I have never really worked out, so I don't know where to begin. Ever since I had a baby, which was 4 years ago, I have had no abdominal strength. My back is quite strong, I think in part because it has to make up for my lack of "front" strength. I am now overweight and a BEGINNER in working out. I tried the thing at the gym that you kind of hang from by your forearms, as someone told me to do, and I CAN'T even hang there! Much less try to pull my legs up. What can I do?

Answers: Brief history: I have never really worked out, so I don't know where to begin. Ever since I had a baby, which was 4 years ago, I have had no abdominal strength. My back is quite strong, I think in part because it has to make up for my lack of "front" strength. I am now overweight and a BEGINNER in working out. I tried the thing at the gym that you kind of hang from by your forearms, as someone told me to do, and I CAN'T even hang there! Much less try to pull my legs up. What can I do?

try doing the east exercise that's out there and it's called walking. It'll help tone up your leg muscles, and gradually help tone up the abdominal and then you might be able to do some crunches. It takes time.

situps, crunches, and running.

Hold your legs a few inches off the ground. Do crunches, and push-ups and pull-ups incorporate the ab muscles as well.

here's a review link to a worthwhile workout, turbulence training


29 exercises you can do at home to burn belly fat

For abs, read these blogs (great articles on abs) -

and learn why crunches is not the answer


Here's a great site with tons of core exercises and core workout tips. http://www.ab-core-and-stomach-exercises...

To really get your abdominals to show, you must diet and include aerobic exercise in your routine. Exercise without maintaining a diet rich in protein to enhance muscle development, is like having a car without an engine; you get absolutely nowhere.
Concentrate on overall fitness and maintaining a healthy heart.
Nothing beats healthy eating.
Eat a combination of lean protein and healthy carbohydrates every few hours throughout the day to speed up fat loss and maintain stable energy levels. For best results, eat six times a day. Weight train intensely, three times per week on alternating days with aerobic exercise three times per week.

Eat your
Protein from (lean chicken, fish, egg-whites and beans)
Carbs from fruits and vegetables
Drink 10 to 20 glasses water per day NO SODA
Start lifting weights do not worry about bulking up concentrate on total body strength with emphasis on core strength.


Here goes some ab links pick 3 to do for 15minutes per day

Twisting Crunches
Reverse Crunches
Hanging Reverse Crunches
Vertical Bench Crunches
Cable Crunches
Rope Crunches
Machine Crunches
Seated Leg Tucks
Leg Raises
Flat Bench Leg Raises
Bent Knee Flat bench leg raises
Incline/Vertical Bench Bent-Knee leg raises
Hanging leg raises
Twisting hanging leg raises
Seated Twists
Bent over twists
Side Leg raises
Bent Knee side leg raises
Roman Chairs

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