How can I make myself Hungry?!

Question: I feel sick and havent eated in 2 days and I know that I need to but just the thought of food makes me sick

Answers: I feel sick and havent eated in 2 days and I know that I need to but just the thought of food makes me sick

Do you have the flu? Maybe you shouldn't eat heavy rich filled foods, try something light, like crackers. Dairy products may cause pain if you are a stomach illness. But to make yourself hungry in general, you can try exercising, or moving around, although that may not be good due to your current state your in, the best bet is try eating light foods to build your appetite back, and once you gain enough strength, try to keep yourself active. There, you'll burn energy, and eventually you'll feel hungry later.

go 2 d doctor pronto

i was like that about a month ago.

drink a lot of water. and just relax. drink some hot tea too. =D dont drink anything acidy or fattening.

hope this helps. =D

Thin is in and beauty is pain. I wish I had your strength^_^

You must get some nosh inside you! Try some dry crackers/bread just to get you going, then introduce some vegetables (cooked or raw) and get some vitamins inside (capsules if needed).

Is there any reason you're feeling sick? If it continues def go to the Doctors and in the meantime I find small sips of lemonade good if I feel sick.

Firstly, i advise you to go to ur GP. are you depressed? this may be why your not feeling hungry as ur metabolism slows down.
Do a little exercise and drink plenty of water and juice. they are natural and healthy appetizers to kick-start those cravings again!
Make sure when you do feel hungry, you eat something healthy and light e.g. stir fry or maybe pasta or a sandwich (veggie and all!)
Gud luck wiv eating (coz i cant stop eating helllp! jus kiddin! im proud of my Low Gi diet, and i eat eat eat! lol)

You have to try and get something into your stomach even if it's just very little. I don't think you can make yourself hungry when your're feeling sick. If you don't eat something your going to feel even worse. I hope your drinking alot of water and juices so you don't become dehydrated because if that happens you will have to go to the hospital to get an iv to get your fluid levels back up.

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