What do you think of the Alli weight loss pill?!

Question: Im not one for diet pills, but listen to my story. Ive been on every diet possible and I try to watch what I eat and I exercise , not as often as I should, but I do try. I cant lose weight. So I went to my doctor and I found out I have hypothyroidism and he put my on medicine and told me I would start losing weight right away. Well I still havent and that was 4 months ago!!So I decided for New Years ( cliche) I would work out more and harder and really be careful of what I put in my mouth. Im really interested in this new Diet pill because its different and I just really want it for a kick start. I weigh 193 and my goal is to lose 50 by July ( my birthday!!) and I wonder if this is worth it.
What do you think?

Answers: Im not one for diet pills, but listen to my story. Ive been on every diet possible and I try to watch what I eat and I exercise , not as often as I should, but I do try. I cant lose weight. So I went to my doctor and I found out I have hypothyroidism and he put my on medicine and told me I would start losing weight right away. Well I still havent and that was 4 months ago!!So I decided for New Years ( cliche) I would work out more and harder and really be careful of what I put in my mouth. Im really interested in this new Diet pill because its different and I just really want it for a kick start. I weigh 193 and my goal is to lose 50 by July ( my birthday!!) and I wonder if this is worth it.
What do you think?

Maybe you could try focusing on what you are eating and excercising consistantly over the next 2 months to see if you lose any weight before you try Alli. It's a good pill but the side effects can be horrible. I use www.sparkpeople.com to track my eating/fitness and once I started writing down everything I ate it really made a difference in my fitness program.

Good luck

What is Alli?
Alli is the reduced-strength version of orlistat (Xenical), a prescription drug to treat obesity. It's approved for over-the-counter sale to overweight adults 18 years and older. Alli is meant to be used in conjunction with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and regular exercise

be careful..xenical makes you poo your pants !!!

I have heard that Alli has some nasty side effects if you don't follow the diet to a T. Like crapping in your pants accidentally. That is no good. BUT good luck on your resolution. You sound very committed so you will do well.

That is a chemical and may give immediate results but that is a lot of muscle that you lose and not a healthy way to go at all.

You have to EAT to lose weight! Losing weight is truly a battle without a little help. It isn

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