Weight training?!

Question: i have been training for a while now, i can manage two sets on my biceps consisting of two hundred reps each, and 100 on my legs, i just want to know, is it worth increasing reps, or is it quality that really counts

Answers: i have been training for a while now, i can manage two sets on my biceps consisting of two hundred reps each, and 100 on my legs, i just want to know, is it worth increasing reps, or is it quality that really counts

What are your goals? I was always under the impression that more reps with less weight is for toning, More weight, less reps but doing it until failure if for adding muscle. That is what has been happening to me. I worked out to add muscle, and now maintain that muscle by maintaining what I was doing. I don't want to keep adding big muscle.

what exactly is your weight training goal??? you said you have been training for awhile, then y r u doing 200 reps sets? i dont know how to begin to answer your question as your methodology is quite outlandish

It's unclear what your goals are with your weight training. Is it to add muscle or lose body fat or what? As a long time personal fitness trainer I offer the following suggestions. If you want to add muscle, you need to give the target muscles a reason to grow. In weight training that usually means increasing the poundage or resistance applied to the muscle being worked. Most muscles in the body respond nicely to around 8-10 repetitions. 100 or 200 reps indicates that the resistance you are using is too light to induce muscular growth. Conversely, when attempting to drop body fat, it's more about your diet and meal planning in conjunction with aerobic movements, than it is with higher reps. In either case, form is the number one consideration (second only to safety) when working with any movement or exercise. So, go for the goals you have set for yourself. Strive for Excellence and BE the Miracle. Dennis

Wow. Whats going on here? That sounds like overtraining. If you want to do damage to you arms keep doing what you are doing. The only way that you are going to pack on muscle, is to do 4 sets 8-10 reps per body part. Going heavier each set. By doing 100 reps, your just getting a major pump.

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