I need to tell someone how i feel?!

Question: i hate myself so much. i'm not happy in life. i want to be the girl in school who all the guys like. i'm over obsessive about calories and eating and whenever i mess up on my diet i binge eat. i'm gaing weight instead of losing. i want to have the perfect body but i just cant do it.i get barely any attention from guys. I have the ugliest legs in the world and i cry over them everyday. They are veiny, fat, pale, and i have wrinkly knees and cankles. I'm not overweight but i dont have a good body. I used to think my face was pretty but i've had people tell me im ugly and i dont think so anymore. i hate how my thighs touch hate the bulge in my stomach. i cry everyday. i hate myself so much and hate my life. all i do is look at people and think of how much they enjoy themselves and how pretty they are. ugh im done!!!

Answers: i hate myself so much. i'm not happy in life. i want to be the girl in school who all the guys like. i'm over obsessive about calories and eating and whenever i mess up on my diet i binge eat. i'm gaing weight instead of losing. i want to have the perfect body but i just cant do it.i get barely any attention from guys. I have the ugliest legs in the world and i cry over them everyday. They are veiny, fat, pale, and i have wrinkly knees and cankles. I'm not overweight but i dont have a good body. I used to think my face was pretty but i've had people tell me im ugly and i dont think so anymore. i hate how my thighs touch hate the bulge in my stomach. i cry everyday. i hate myself so much and hate my life. all i do is look at people and think of how much they enjoy themselves and how pretty they are. ugh im done!!!

you're OK, we all get frustrated somtimes with how we look.
Guy's attention is not necessarily correlated with how you look. In my class, the most popular girl was kind of ... um... fat. So I can consider myself lucky i guess cause i did'n try too hard to get skinnier.
I'm sure you're not ugly. If you want to tone up your body you'll have to be patient with it. You need to eat like normal and get into some kind of sports.
you don't need to look like somebody else and deep down you probably don't want to. Ask yourself: if you were magically able to switch bodies with... (whoever you think is beatiful) and faces with (...) would you do it? Well I wouldn't.
Wrinkly knees? Is there any other kind, past todler age?
I'm assuring you it's just a stage. I went throu it too. I put myself on no-sugar diet back then and I still kind of stick with it. And I didn't believe when people told me it's just a stage, I will change and so on. But it did happen. At some point I actually decided that I look good. My older friend told me that it's all in my mind - if you consider yourself beatiful you look beatiful to other people. And she pointed to a neighbor girl who was very popular but actually rather ugly. And by ugly I mean very disproportionate. Enormous butt, flat skinny chest, perpetually puffy eyes. Yet, she felf beatiful, acted beatiful and was considered beautiful by other people.

Oh my friggin goodness. This isn't something I like to hear, but by golly, I hear it all the time!

That's not fair how women can think so low of themselves when they look good, but not to some.

People tend to operate on influence. If someone doesn't like you, and they hint or tell someone else that you're ugly, and this person tells other friends, then you get looked at crazily.

Tell you what, how about I judge you.

Not harshly, but I really want to know.

How do you look?

You've given a description, and it's probably accurate, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am not blind!

If you don't feel confortable with posting such confidential info, e-mail it to me!

My e-mail:

Mark the message so that I can't confuse you for spam. If you read this message, I'm not taking no for an answer!!!!!!!!!

i know it's hard to appreciate what you have when you feel ugly and alone, but honey you have a lot to be thankful for! at least you have legs, you can walk and get around, you have feet, your not bound to a wheel chair, you're not terminally ill in a hospital bed,dying!! you have eyes, you can see, you're not blind or handicapped! think of everything that you do have. you may not have the best body but your body does a lot for you!! there are ppl out there who have no money, no bed to sleep in, no food, others are like i said, ill, or have no legs or arms and they have to live like that foreve and be ridiculed! so what if you're not beautiful and have a nicer body!! be happy to be alive, I'm sure you have a lot of good qualities, and ppl that love you!! Start appreciating what you do have, and deal with what you don't. Not all of us were meant to be models or popular hot chicks!! in the long run when we die our bodies become a rotting piece of flesh!! it's our personalitites, and the lives we touch with our kindness and love that will remain here in the hearts of our loved ones! no one will remember your "white legs," but they might remember your sorry as attitude! so be happy, lift your head up high, and be thankfull for all you do have!

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