How does binge drinking effect the heart?!


How does binge drinking effect the heart?

I had 2 heart attacks 2yrs ago my refractions 20% I have high cholestrol & I was doing good until 2 months ago been eating bad,binged4 times about 12-14 beers each time what will this do.


The worst part of a binge for your heart is the next day. Sometimes referred to as 'holiday heart,' these are cardiac events associated with binge drinking and hangovers. As your body processes the alcohol, it dehydrates your body, can raise your blood pressure and speed your pulse which can trigger arrythmias and other cardiac problems. It is NOT good for your heart. Alcohol is only good for the heart if you're drinking wine generally and only in small doses of moderation. Steer clear of binges. If you want to google 'holiday heart' you'll probably find more info on how binges affect your heart the next day.

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