I just had Oral Surgery... What to eat!?!?!

Question: I just had Oral Surgery... What to eat!?!?
I'm suppose to eat soft foods... I can barely move my upper lip, since I don't want to disrupt the surgical site.

I'm thinking about eating baby foods with high protein, and maybe milkshakes too and bananas

anyone have any other (Easy) cheap suggestions, that are soft, healthy and make you full easy?


Wait till the numbness wears off before u eat. U might bite ur lip off. Literally and u won't feel it. Pudding is good. Soup. Milkshakes are really good. Carnation instant breakfasts. Oatmeal would probably work. Yogurt ice cream broth... Just tons of things. U want soft but not chewy. Alot of liquidy stuff so Not a whole lot is gonna make u full like a real meal. Never use a straw or a sucking motion. Rip ur clot out. One weird skill ur gonna learn is how to swallow with your mouth open.

Many pulled teeth. :(

I had maxi facial surgery when I was 17. My mouth was wired shut for 2 months while I healed and my mother pureed everything - Chinese food, you name it. Once a week she made a huge pot of chicken broth and every day she pureed all my foods, strained some of them and gave them, to me to eat with a spoon or in a glass with a straw and I slurped them down. Basically she made everything into a soup for me.

I would also have protein shakes - milk, protein powder, and fruit or chocolate or ice cream. Basically smoothies or milk shakes and she added protein powder to them. This worked really well. It was a way of getting nutrients without losing weight.

Good luck with this.

Lots of eXperience

If there is a Jamba Juice near you - that is good nutrition. They can put protien powder in it and extra vitamins and such. Otherwise - Get a blender and juice, frozen yogurt, vitamin drops and such and make your own. Soups are good, anything that can be swallowed without chewing.

cream of wheat or jello. please don't eat baby food that is disgusting.
they have the microwave easy packs of cream of wheat. what about noodles? they are soft. some soups. idk

Try to eat oatmeal or soup. Don't eat anything with a straw!

eat some soup and mash potato.

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