Is my plantar wart going to be infected?!

Question: Is my plantar wart going to be infected?
I have a few plantar warts on the bottom of my foot. I went to my doctor and got them frozen twice and then in between treatments my doctor told me to use the Dr. Scholl's clear away pads. The rough skin on top of the wart fell off, and being the impatient person i am, i took tweezers to them and pulled out all the little black parts. Unfortunately, at one spot they started to bleed (a very little bit, because i pulled off a big piece of skin with it) and i was unable to remove all the black parts. because my skin is now open and there are still parts of the wart left directly touching that area am i at high risk of the warts getting infected? if they do get infected what treatment will have to be done? I rinsed my root for about in minute in cool water was this a bad idea? Should i apply a cream like neosporin? I'm most likely going to go to the doctor about this but it is late at night here and i'm a bit worried. I know it was dumb of me to try to dig them out myself, but i'm just a kid. haha, live and learn, right? sorry this was so descriptive and gross i just thought it would be better to be specific so i could get all the answers i need. thank you so much in advance!


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Any break in the skin has the potential to become infected. Just clean the area properly and make sure to keep your feet as dry as possible (i.e. clean, dry socks after exercising). I would think the petroleum in Neosporin would not allow the acids in the clear away pads to penetrate the wart. Don't pick anymore! Besides risking infection you can help the virus that causes the wart to spread!!

If you experience warmness, redness or drainage in the area it is most likely infected. You would definitely want to see your doctor then.

10+ years in medical field and had a planters wart several years ago

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