I can see my veins through my skin more than usual.?!

Question: I can see my veins through my skin more than usual!.!?
Like,my skin is more pale than normal and I can see all my blue veins through my skin!.Mostly on my arms and legs!.Why is it doing that!? Should I be concerned!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It happens when you lose fat or become dehydrated!. Eat and drink more!. Don't starve yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try to notice if the blue veins are more prominent in the morning especially when you haven't eaten!.

When I do not eat, the blue veins pop out more!. Age also makes you more veiny than usual!.

If you are still concern, go to a dermatologist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

that happens as you age!. it is nothing to worry aboutWww@Answer-Health@Com

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