Anorexia ?!

Question: Anorexia !?
I'm 21 years old, 5'1, and 81 pounds!.

I use to weigh 105 pounds 4 months ago!.

I'm curious as to how much weight I have to lose in order to die!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have thought long and hard on this matter and i submit to you that you must lose another 17 lbs to gain the abilite to fly, or at least glide in strong wind!.!.!.
as for the matter of death your goal weight should be around 68lbs good luck!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh for goodness sake get a life there is more to worry about than how much you weigh!. I hate the whole "oh look at me i'm so ill i cant eat because i'll put on weight and that will be so terrible" thing!.

It is obvious you thrive off the attention you get from posting videos and stuff on your you tube site!. You really are a bad role model, and encouraging people to PRAISE you for your weightloss is simply irresponsible!. You are old enough to know better!.

Grow up and get some food down you you silly little girl!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You have to realize being anorexic, does not only affect the way your body looks!. It affects your internal organs, and also your brain!. Your brain will grow weaker, from not getting what it needs!. I don't think anyone would want to purposefully make their brain remember things less, not retain as much, etc!.
If there's anything I value most it's definitely the ability to think and create, and I feel sad that you would want to inhibit that!. It makes me cringe, more so than being too skinny!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes you are severely underweight!. That much weight loss can be do to anorexia, and cancer

Are you not eating, throwing up, or just loosing weight!.

Your comments of You wanting to get below 80 pounds and not felling skinny sound like you have anorexia!.

You need to see a doctor!. Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi hon!
This is very disturbing that you actually want to do this I have a 4yr old son who looks anorexic from an undiagnosed illness not by his choice who is fading away as each month passes and I am worried sick and then I see your post and I feel sad for you and angry as you have a choice!.

You had a beautiful body before you started this wayward path of self-destruction and now you are just way too thin and this is very unattractive!. Please, please get some help and lets not will away another precious life, for the love of my son I pray and I now pray for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, i hope your not wondering because your trying to kill yourself!.
theres no set number that would kill you, but judging by your height, age,and current weight, your not in too good of shape right now
if you have anorexia, i hope your getting help, because i can tell you, your very skinny already!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should know that men don't like frail, anorexic looking women!.

If you are doing this for beauty you are taking the wrong path!.

By not eating you are losing muscle, this will make you look not very healthy!.

Go to the gym, workout and try to get your weight up to 100lbs, this is your healthy weight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

oh my goodness
thats waaaay too much
do you want to die!?
its obvious that you know anorexia can kill you!.!.!.
and now your curious how much weight you have to lose to die!?
go get some help!.!.!. seriously
FOOD IS YUMMYYYYYWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's when ever your body organs are stressed and shut down!.
Look girl!.!.!.!.!. Get some help!.
you really don't want to do that!.
You sound like a sweet girl!.
Please talk to someone!. Anyone!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you seem smart, you know this can kill you!. I think you need some sort of counseling so you feel beautiful at a healthy weight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, not eating might help =|Www@Answer-Health@Com

are u crazy, take up some hobby/make friends !!!!!!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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