Is cancer a really fungus?!

Question: Is cancer a really fungus!?
To find the cure for cancer, we really need to know what we are dealing with!. Why do cells suddenly start replicating out of control!? Why are cancers often different colors, not normally found in the human body!? Why do cancers spread through the body!?

More than a million species of fungi exist on earth, which can be classified into two broad groups: yeasts and moulds!. Fungi have various shapes, colors and textures, can live on land in the open air or in the aqueous conditions of rivers, ponds seas and inside living creatures!. Fungi, have the capacity to produce a fruiting body, reproductive spores, a covering like skin, arteries, and internal fluid much like blood!.

While plants, animals and humans are alive and well, the fungi around us are unable to overcome the natural defense mechanisms of higher life forms!. But once death occurs, the fungi are the primary tool nature uses to reduce all that once lived into the basic elements from which they were made!. This is what biologists call the carbon cycle!.

However, the exception to this simple equation of life and death is that the fungi can attack plants and animals, while they are alive!. Fungal spores are everywhere, millions of tiny particles are in the air, and the food we eat!. They can enter the body in many ways, through the intestinal tract, the nose and lungs, and organs exposed to the world at large!. We generally do not develop an infection from these intruders!. However, when the immune system is compromised, the tissues are poorly oxygenated, the body is malnourished, these spores become the dominant life form and begin to grow!.

Dr!. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize Winner) found that simply reducing the oxygen supply to normal healthy tissue, it became cancerous!. What he was really experiencing was that fungal spores, hidden in most living tissue, were able to grow aneorobically, becoming the dominant life form!. Normal healthy tissue needs oxygen to live and grow, cancer and fungus cells can use sugar as their primary source of energy for growth, this is called anaerobic respiration or fermentation

could Antifungals cure cancer!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have seen research on this subject by an Italian doctor, Dr!. Tulio Simonici, who has said as much as you have!. You probably already have seen or heard of this doctor!.

I just lost my sister to lung cancer (she never smoked) on Nov!. 1/08 and had been doing some research on the subject!. She worked at a casino and there was some speculation that this dust found on the tokens (cadmium!?) may have had something to do with it!. I looked on the internet and could not find any related cases!. I did however just yesterday find an interesting article about licorice and how it may help to prevent cadmium induced liver toxicity!. (Found as a result of liver toxicity that I am suffering from as a result of possibly eating too much licorice!)

Getting back to cancer though, this Dr!. Simonici was using sodium bicarbonate as an anti fugal to treat cancers in the lung and colon which he has concluded are related to candida fungal infections!. He might be right, unfortunately big pharmaceutical companies are not about to give up their billions in cancer research to study anti fungal treatments--that would be too easy!. Instead this doctor has complained that he has received death threats for his research and findings related to fungal infections a a cause for cancer!.

Check out the second link below for a video of Dr!. SimoniciWww@Answer-Health@Com

No, cancer is a mutation of cells!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Another science fiction story!.

It is cells mutation!.

but if it comforts you to go against the medical profession and think it is fungus, or whatever go ahead!. Leave the cure to the professionals!. That is all we need someone with cancer believing in some unproven treatment then at the last minute finding out it does not work!.!.!.

and dies!.

This reminds me of those gadgets where you lose fat and they say if you put this wrap around your stomach you will lose the fat around your belly ( advertisers would show overweight couples eating twinkies with this wrap around their tummy's!.!.!.!.then a great before and after picture!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Now what website did you copy and paste that info from!? It is complete malarkey!.
Dave you are so right in your answer!. I'm so tired of reading all the "miracle" cures to cancer!. I had a brain tumor that was cancerous!. Don't you think I would've done one of these "natural" cures if they worked!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't think so, no!.

According to Wikipedia: "Cancer is fundamentally a disease of regulation of tissue growth!."

"Biological properties of cancer cells

In a 2000 article by Hanahan and Weinberg, the biological properties of malignant tumor cells were summarized as follows:[43]

* Acquisition of self-sufficiency in growth signals, leading to unchecked growth!.
* Loss of sensitivity to anti-growth signals, also leading to unchecked growth!.
* Loss of capacity for apoptosis, in order to allow growth despite genetic errors and external anti-growth signals!.
* Loss of capacity for senescence, leading to limitless replicative potential (immortality)
* Acquisition of sustained angiogenesis, allowing the tumor to grow beyond the limitations of passive nutrient diffusion!.
* Acquisition of ability to invade neighbouring tissues, the defining property of invasive carcinoma!.
* Acquisition of ability to build metastases at distant sites, the classical property of malignant tumors (carcinomas or others)!.

The completion of these multiple steps would be a very rare event without :

* Loss of capacity to repair genetic errors, leading to an increased mutation rate (genomic instability), thus accelerating all the other changes!."

Basically this means that a cancer cell was once a normal cell that had mutated DNA which causes it to keep growing!. Not a cell infected with fungi!.

Cancer can be caused by viruses, Hepatitis causes liver cancer- and the Pap virus causes cervical cancer!. Cancer is also implicated in stomach cancers where severe bacterial infections are present!.

I don't believe cancer is caused by fungi, but if you have it and nothing else has worked!.!. I don't see how trying what this doctor says will hurt!. I don't think it will work, at all!. But hey!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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