Herpes: is it true?...............?!

Question: Herpes: is it true!?!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
that as many as 80 or 90% of the whole population of the world have got it!? is it been taken as a common illness like chickenpox or is it a disease by itself like cancer, aids!.!.!. etc!?

and if it's true it's kinda unbelievable! how to these herpes virus gets around!? just by say sharing the same straw, drinking from the same cups!? if it this way isn't we'r too vunerable!? as when i was in the army we all just shared the drinks from our canteen if anyone of us haven't have got enough!.!.!.

oh my this world is getting to be so scary~Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes that is true, 80-90 percent of the population gets oral herpes which is the exact same thing as the common cold sore!.
Herpes is not cancer, hpv, or aids!. Herpes Zooster is related to chicken pox!. Herpes is also not commonly genetic!.
Some people who have herpes don't know that they have it and others are not willing to admit to the fact that cold sores are the same thing as oral herpes and they are contagious!.
It is usually spread when some gives another person a kiss on the cheek or mouth usually while the kisser has cold sores!. Some times people who get oral herpes get them from a relative or friend giving them a kiss on the cheek when they were a baby and who ever kissed them had cold sores and just didn't know what they were!.
It is possible but not likely to get them from sharing drinks, cigarettes, chap stick, utensils with some one who has an active cold sore, but the virus doesn't like to live on objects for more then a few seconds!. Unless it's passed immediately from one mouth with cold sores to another there wouldn't be much of a chance to get oral herpes that way!. You also can't get herpes from a toilet seat!.
I have oral and genital herpes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes most of us 80% have come into contact with the virus (herpes), it is that easy to catch!. Do not share anything! you never know who's got it!. Here's the catch--- only about 20% of those 80% get the ugly cold sores, everyone else (the 60% left) are just carriers of the virus!. So just try to have good hygiene, and do not share lip gloss, utensils, towels, smokes, cups, anything! Most people get genital herpes, from recieving oral sex from partners with cold sores on thier faces!. so take percation!. Herpes, especially oral herpes (cold sores) are a huge disability!. People who get them often feel like they have to hide from the world, cant go to work, school, out with friends!. Sometimes you cant even eat!. Its not something you'd ever want!.
I get cold sores (oraly) and it sucks, makes life harder than it needs to be!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its so true- they say herpes is the new gonorrhea and chlamydia!. back in the day it was said you have hsv1(cold sore) and cant get hsv2 (genital sore) but now they are finding out about 60% have both( even though you wearing condoms on your genitals , you also have to wear mouth condoms because thats how i got mine!. i am a victim of both oral and genital herpes but when you have a loving partner you have nothing to worry about!. Www@Answer-Health@Com


It varies by country, people in underdeveloped area like Africa have a higher percentage of occurrence, just like HIV and AIDS!.



theyre talking about herpes simplex- basically just cold sores!. they can be transferred very easily!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

LULZ my teacher tries to tell us that they are cold sores!.!.!.!. dont be STUPID MR!.SHEWSCREWER we all know what they r!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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