Gestational Diabetes Testing?!

Question: Gestational Diabetes Testing!?
Well I have been reading about this testing and I notice that the Side effects are not very pleasant!. I heard that a lot of women tend to feel very hyper, shaky, nauseated, and may start vomiting!.

Hold It! Vomiting may occur!?!?!? Nausea!?!?!? Ok yeah!.!.!. I don't think I can do this!. Some people may have Diabetes in my family but that doesn't mean it runs in my family!. Well to me I guess!. But I always had a fear of vomiting or even going near someone who even says they feel like throwing up!. It scares me I don't exactly know why, But do panic to a point that I will run away!. In other words to make it short I have Emetophobia!.!.!.

A lot of women say that they didn't take the test, because of the same problem, not the phobia but the side effects they don't want to go through!. I know you are probably thinking if she has emetophobia how was she able to go through the first few months of pregnancy!? well I'll answer that before you ask, I never had the morning sickness throughout this entire pregnancy and I'm now 27 weeks!.

Is the test really that Important!? Do I really have to take it!? I'm too scared to do it and I have 3 hours to decide whether to take the risk or not!. Deep down I don't want to!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It may not be important to YOU, but it IS important to you baby!.

gestational Diabetes can lead to miscarriages or birth defects!.

The BEST test to take is called the A1C test!. If teh doctor has the equipement in his office, this test can be done in 5-10 minutes with ONE DROP of blood!.

if the doctor does not have the equipment, he will need to send a blood sample to the lab for 2-3 days!.

The test YOu refer to is called an Glucose Tolerance Test!. This is neede ONLY if the A1C test shows a possible increase in blood sugars!.

Again, this is not for YOU but for the baby!.

Have test tests done ASAP !. !. !. !. !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had the gestational diabetes test done when i was pregant last year!. I actually never heard of having these side effects of having the test done!. All they do is test your blood sugar levels when you go into the hospital/doctors fasting, then they give you a sugary drink, test you sugar levels an hour after taking the drink and then another hour after that!.!. i felt fine after taking the drink so i dont think you should put off not having the test done!. i ended up having gestational diabetes which was controlled with diet but there is people that end up taking insulin as they cant take the tablets when pregnant!. people with gestational diabetes usually tend to have a larger baby in which case may have to be induced or have a section at 38weeks!. i was induced at 38wks and all was fine with my girl!. she was 9lbs at birth!. i still have to watch what i eat as my sugars are still a little bit high but nothing serious!. my advice is to have the test done for both you and the babys sake!.!. all the best and try not to worry!. xWww@Answer-Health@Com

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