How can you get rid of poison ivy?!

Question: How can you get rid of poison ivy!?
The plant or the rash!?
A wild weed called "Jewel Weed or Touch me not "has been used by my family since pioneer days when they first settled Minn!. It's a wild Impatient!. Boil the whole plant excluding the roots until the water turns a pretty orange!. Rub it on before you go to pull the poison ivy and it will not burn you!. If you already have the rash apply a liberal dose of the juice on it!. It is amazing how quickly it will heal!. Freeze the liquid in an ice tray for future use!. The plant is an edible green!. No worries about someone using the cubes in a drink by mistake and getting sick!.
Getting rid of the plant!? I Volunteered at a National Park to help remove poison ivy and bittersweet!. Fall is the best time!. We cut off the vines and applied a systemic herbicide!. In the fall the sap returns to the roots until spring!. The herbicide on the cambium layer is transported down and the plants are history!. To get the correct name of the herbicide call your nearest state or national park!. With all the invasive alien plants, Oriental Bittersweet, Kudzu etc they use the same technique and more likely the same herbicide!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Calamine lotion and oatmeal bath helps with the itching!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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