Serious health condition?!

Question: Serious health condition!?
My mom passed out today and then she started pucking If you do that and have pain running up your back and neck does that mean that she has a heart blockage!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

From personal experience when people go into cardiac arrest or develop an arrhythmia they breath abnormally!. Blood is not reaching her brain!. She needs to go to emergency immediately for an assessment as she very well might of had a heart attack!. I would call 911 immediately!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It may be lack of oxygen reaching the brain!.!. You described those symptoms (passing out and puking)

Im taking a wild guess, but i think it may be a problem with the lungs!. If there was a heart blockage, she would have pain in her arms, chest, jaw!.

It could be something more serious, better get it checked it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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