Do dairy products cause sinus/allergy problems?!

Question: Do dairy products cause sinus/allergy problems!?
My silly coworker today taught me an old wives tale that dairy products (cheese, yogurt, milk) cause sinus pressure and allergy problems!.

Is that true!?

Or is he full of it!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Some people are lactose intorrelant, which means that when they have dairy product they get sick!. My mom for example gets diarrhea, my dad gets severe stomach pains, etc!.

But, what milk generally does is make your mucus, or spit more 'milky', if you want to say!. This creates extra pressure into your sinuses because it sometimes creates extra boogers, and when you have a stuffy nose, often your sinuses swell up as well!. This is why singers NEVER have dairy products before a performance, because their saliva becomes much more thick!. (and sometimes get a scratchy throat!.)

Test it out yourself if you like!. Drink some water 1 day, then the next day drink some milk instead of a glass of water, and I can guarantee you will feel that your saliva is a lot more thick!.

Hope this helped!Www@Answer-Health@Com

That is actually true to a certain extent!. Most of the time you need to have some sort of sensitivity/allergy to dairy!. But dairy products can increase the thickness of your phlegm, therefore can "clog" up your sinuses, and eventually cause the sinus pressure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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