How do AIDS start? Where does it originate?!

Question: How do AIDS start!? Where does it originate!?
Not only how it is transmitted!.!. but, how does it start!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

In 1999 researchers believed they'd found the origins of HIV-1 (the first and most prominent strain of HIV) in a sub-species of chimpanzees in equatorial Africa!. They theorized that it was transferred to human hunters through exposure to infected blood!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It did not start because a human had sex with a monkey!.!.!.they believe it started because there is a form of monkey like aids and there are hunters they believe killed they monkeys and ate the meat!.!.!.once eaten they believe the virus mutated and came about in humans!. Cats have a form of hiv and aids!.!.!.I actually had a kitty one time that had it!.!.at least that was how the vet explained it to my mom!. You have to have sex!.!.!.share needles!.!.!.or transmitted from infected mother to baby (not common anymore) and blood transfusions( not common anymore) or for nurses needle sticks in the hospital!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is transmitted through sex, needles that have been used on someone who was infected, and it doesnt just start you have to get it from an infected individual!. It originated from a human being having sex with a monkey!. Sick, I know!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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