Could my son be over washing his face?!

Question: Could my son be over washing his face!?
My 15 year old son had REALLY clear skin 6 months ago!.!.!.!.all of a sudden he has started to break out on his cheeks!. He's been getting huge whiteheads and on both cheeks adn on his chin, lately he has been washing his very often because of his oily skin!. Is there a chance he can be over washing and causing more damage and also is he supposed to let the whiteheads heal on their own because he has started squeezing them lately and his face is beginning to scar!.!.!.!.i have made an appt to see a dermatologist but i'm afraid it's too lateWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah overdoing it with things like clean and clear, noxema, clearsil!.!.!.etc can be overdrying to the skin however, I doubt just a week or so has been long enough to do any permenant damage to the skin!. The dermatologist will most likeley prescribe differin, ziana, or doxycyline all which are effective in controlling redness and inflamation of the skin caused by acne( Differin and Doxycyline worked great for my teen age acne!.) Www@Answer-Health@Com

Going to the Dermatologist is the right thing to do, but he has to keep his hands off of his face! No squeezing or excessive scratching or rubbing!. Over washing depends on whether he is using products!. If he is using plain water then he is ok!. Any products would mean extra break-outs and over drying of the skin!. What he is using could be his problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Over washing can remove protective film from your skin and provide a place for infections to grow like Rosacea or some others later in life!. A good idea to see the Dr!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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