What shall i use for my dry skin because of duac?!

Question: What shall i use for my dry skin because of duac!?
hii iv just got duac once daily gel from the doctors free with prescription and amazingly all my spots have gone but theres occasionally theres break outs but my face goes really dry and sore , what can i do to prevent itWww@Answer-Health@Com

E45 cream is great try it you wont go wrong!.

good luck hope i helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

put olive oil on it!. i'm on duac too!. and my face sometimes gets dry so i put olive oil on it, which surprisingly had stuff then helps skin!. just make sure you wash it off with cold water and a wash cloth!. it left my skin smooth and actually helped still with acne!. (:Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dove skin moisturizer works best!. I had the same problem and had to go through everything in the pharmaceutical section before i found one that works the best!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dove sensitive skin soap and Dove sensitive skin face moisturizer or Eucerin face moisturizer Www@Answer-Health@Com

when you get a refill, the new duac kits come with a moisturizer!. they are no longer filled as just duac alone!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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