Why isent Gardisil (HPV vaccine) available for Men?!

Question: Why isent Gardisil (HPV vaccine) available for Men!?
i couldnt find any information on this!.!.!.!.!.!.can someone please help me anwer this!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.why isent gardisil avaible for men!.!.!.!.!.is ti because its new!?!?!?!.!.!.!.!.are there funding problems!?!?!?!.!.!.!.any help would be appriciated!. I want it to be available but i was wondering why would anyone oppose to this vaccine fo rmen!?!?!? please help me !.!.thanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

Basically, they have to do seperate approval trials for men in the case of this vaccine, because the originals were only done for women!. Getting these trials done costs a few billion dollars and takes several years!. So there's that in the way, but it's being worked on!.

The other issue is that men don't derive a great benefit from the vaccine, sure you get the immunity to the cervical cancer causing variations, most of the wart causing ones and a bit of immunity to various others, but you don't have a cervix, and you can't get cervical cancer!. Unsightly warts are not that big a deal, they don't kill you!.

The other question is cost effectiveness!. I'll use some made up numbers as an example!. Say it costs 1 billion dollars to vaccinate all the women!. This will reduce all cervical cancer cases by around 70% (probably more)!. If you vaccinate all the men, and women it costs 2 billion dollars, and you reduce 72% of the cervical cancers!. That's not a lot of bang for doubling the price!. The actual numbers are in question!. If it turns out there is a significant reduction gained, it will probably go through for men!. If there isn't much of a gain, men will probably have to pay for it themselves once it gets approval!.

Religious groups in several countries, but mostly in the US, are against this vaccine because it removes a negative consequence from having sex!. They're interested in promoting a religious view of sexuality and behavior, and are quite happy to let a few thousand young women die of cancer each year to get what they want!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It will be available to men in a year or two!. It's still under clinical trials in men!. It's actually available for men in Australia, though!.

Men are affected by HPV, too! They can get genital warts, penile cancer and even anorectal cancers (if they engage in receptive anal sex)!. If you eliminate the reservoir for the virus, then that'll cut the rates of all HPV infection dramatically!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

because gardisil only protects against the strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer, as men don't have a cervix they don't need itWww@Answer-Health@Com

gardisil focuses on hpv that are infectious to the ovaries!. i!.e!. it won't do anything for guysWww@Answer-Health@Com

How many men do you know with cervical cancer!? That should answer your question!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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