Keloids...any way to minimize them at home?!

Question: Keloids!.!.!.any way to minimize them at home!?
I have keloids where I had an industrial piercing done 2 years ago (cartilage of my ear)!. I also have a pretty good scar on the front of my shoulder from one of my surgeries that I don't think is a keloid (maybe hypertrophic) but is very red in color, somewhat painful, and looks "full!." The keloids on my ear are also pretty painful!.
My question is, is there any way to minimize these at home before my wedding in June!? If not, do most insurance companies cover removal if they are painful or a result from surgery!?
These are not infected (I get asked that a lot since I describe them as red and painful)!. They have been healed up for over a year at least with no signs of infection!.
Any help!? Thanks!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i just wash my ear (tragus) with anti-bacterial soap every day in the shower, and they get smaller and eventually go away!. but if you stop using the anti-bacterial soap they will come back!.

by the way, i'm only 11 : )Www@Answer-Health@Com


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