Is hookah worse than smoking cigarettes? ?!

Question: Is hookah worse than smoking cigarettes!? !?
Because i have heard that you take in more puffs of hookah/sheesha than you do when you are smoking and the effect is worse even though the tobacco level in hookah/sheesha is lower than in cigarettes!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Most people I have smoked the hookah with don't inhale it!. (neither do I) You still get the buzz though!. You are supposed to smoke it like a cigar but if you still want to inhale I would say it isn't as damaging because it is much more natural than cigarettes are!. No synthetic chemicals or nicotene!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes it is,because most legal substance put into a hookah is not as harsh as a cig so you inhale it deeper into your lungs and causes more damage quicker!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

For the 50th time in the past 30 days!.!.!.NO!

Might try searching some best answers once in a while instead of wasting your points!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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