My sister just told me she thinks she has herpes...?!


My sister just told me she thinks she has herpes...?

she said she had some sores, but now the sores look like little pimples that somtimes itch....what does it look like when it is "dormant"? she says she is going to go to the free clinic to get tested, but it is only open on thursdays and that is a week away.

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1 week ago
why get on this section and give ugly answers? That is just rude.


I am sorry you have gotten stupid answers! Herpes has nothing to do with being slutty or dirty. It is now believed that as many as 40% of the population has genital herpes. 90% do not even know it, so I love when these sarcastic people find out they have it too! Condoms do not prevent it, so anyone who has sex can be exposed.

If this is her first outbreak she may be able to have the sores cultured for a diagnosis. Because it can only be done at a specific time during an outbreak, even if it is negative, she should follow up with a blood test in 3-4 months. It will take that long for the antibodies to build up in her system to show an accurate test result.

When there is no outbreak, there is nothing to see at all. You would never know that she had herpes. In fact, most people who have herpes do not have any visible symptoms even during an outbreak. That is how it is so easily passed. You have no idea your partner has it.

The images you see on the net are nothing like the majority of those with it. Those are the very worst case and only a very small percentage of those infected with herpes get outbreaks like that! (thankfully!) For most people the outbreak may be very small pimple like bumps or ingrown hairs. They may or may not develop into a scab. Usually there is no bleeding. There could be one lesion or there could be many, and they can show up anywhere where a pair of shorts would cover.

Since it is so different for everyone it is best for her to get it checked out by a doctor. Remember to have her test again in a few months!

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