Mitral valve?!


Mitral valve?

what is the difference between mitral valve prolapes and mitral regurgitation?


Mitral valve prolapse refers to a condition in which the leaflets of the valve are large and floppy compared to the average. When the ventricle contracts, the valve closes and the flow causes a "pop" as the floppy leaflet fills with blood, much like the way the wind fills a sail. This extra "pop" can be heard with a stethoscope (like a click) but it can often be felt by the person affected which makes them more aware of their heartbeat than the rest of us.
Mitral Valve regurgitation is a condition in which the mitral valve leaks after it is closed leading to a loss of efficiency of blood pumping and a drop in blood pressure. It is often a small leak and is of little consequence and is often associated with mitral valve prolapse. This leak can sometimes be heard with a stethoscope as a murmur under the left arm.
The combination of both situations is known as "Barlow's click-murmur syndrome".
Old Doc

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