My father has suffered a severe heart atttack. It has been 9 days an he has not !


My father has suffered a severe heart atttack. It has been 9 days an he has not shown signs of brain recovery.

He can hear, move his arms an legs, cough, blink but cannot respond to comands very well. When he opens his eyes it seems like he cannot recognize me an its very scary. His heart an all vital signs seem to be ok, but his brain is what im worried about. He had the heart attack while driving an wrecked into another car which was very minor. The timimg from which when it happened to which he was resesitated is unkown. But since it was a accident an there was people around i hope it was not long till the ambulance got there. It happend close to the fire department and to the hospital coinsidentally. Today will be 9 days, an they are saying they are going to put a tube surgically in his throat for oxygen. What are his chances of recovery?


its hard to say exactly...but you really should be asking his doctors these questions.....there are several tests i.e. EEG to see what level of function the brain reality when someone has an arrest the brain will start dying within 4-6 minutes without any oxygen..this is why it's so important that early CPR gets stared before 911 arrives...he may also have brain damage from the accident itself...only his doctors can tell you definitely what is going to them,they will tell you the answers even if they're ones you may not want to hear..he is lucky...very few cardiac arrests survive past a day or wishes for you and your dad

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