Are facial spasms/tweaks known as turrets??!

Question: Are facial spasms/tweaks known as turrets!?!?
this guy i know blinks a lot as if he cant control it!. i dont know why!. Do you think it's a form of turrets!? i know people usually think of turrets as an inability to control what you say, but could this be a different form of it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

while this can be a variety of things, its quite possible that its tourettes!.

Tourettes is doing any specific action unconrollably!.

It can be things like swearing or clapping or snapping!.

Your friend may have it or he may have a variety of other disorders that involve ticks like theseWww@Answer-Health@Com

No i don't think so!. My friends ex had a crazy *** bf who said ANYTHING that comes to his mind, like out of nowhere he was like, "$hit!, Your mom eats ***, etc!.!.!." So i think turrets is a disease that make people say random stuff at random times!. Now the actor Micheal J fox has a disease called Parkinson's disease and he has random uncontrollable twitches!. So maybe what u have is something more serious than what u think!. So i recommend going to the doctors (if u have insurance) and try to get it checked out!. U never know! I hope this helps!. I wish i can give u better advice than the ol "go to the doctor" thing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, it could be a symptom of Tourette's!. The uncontrollable exclamations of naughty words is actually a much rarer form than other tics!. It could also be a sign of any number of other conditions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its called a tick!. Turrets is a mental disease while a tick is more physical!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with Cat, it could be a tick!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it could be!.!.!.!. or maybe its just something he does when hes nervousWww@Answer-Health@Com


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