Is my birthmark infected? I had it removed?!


Is my birthmark infected? I had it removed?

I had my birthmark removed...?
and it's not tender around the area but it does have about half puss in it. I'm concerned that it's infected? Is it? I had it removed on july 5. How can I treat it if it is infected? I feel fine other than a lot of puss and when i wake up theres a ton! I've been putting a band aid on it at night.

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3 days ago
my birthmark is smaller than a dime or penny. The puss is completly covering the wound now. I tried removing the puss and it just started bleeding!


You should have gotten after care instructions at the office when you had it removed,

If it's not red and tender then you are likely seeing the activity of your white blood cells, not pus. Clean it out with hydrogenperoxide, use an antibiotic ointment and just keep it clean, If it gets hot, red and tender, go to the doctor who removed the "birthmark" and have it looked at.

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