How do you get rid of ring worm in children?!

Question: How do you get rid of ring worm in children!?
cam anyone tell me the best way to get rid of ringworm!? is there a skin condition that looks like ring worm but it isn't really!. if so how do you get rid of it!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ring worm is a very contagious virus that affects the skin!. It is passed by touch and carried by a lot of animals mostly cats!. My son got it on his the side of his head from daycare!. The research i found said to put antifungal cream on it (like athletes foot medication) and to use Head and shoulders on the area!. It worked pretty quickly!. Try to keep the area covered when they are around other people and dont let them scratch it that will spread the infection!.

Since ringworm is a fungal infection, and not an actual worm, we've always used just the cheapy anitfungal cream from walmart!. Just keep applying it to the area until it goes away!. And try not to let the kids scratch because that will spread it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I caught ring worm from a cat!. I used tinactin cream on it!. I was gone in several days!. The ring worm is a relative to athlete's foot!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

The fruit drink Apple Cider!. Farm kind only!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try a blow torch!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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