Could someone go with untreated undetected breast cancer for 10 years?!

Question: Could someone go with untreated undetected breast cancer for 10 years!?
What are the symptoms besides lumps and how big are the lumps usually!? Do they grow fast!? What do people with cancer feel like!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

In early stages when the Grade of the disease (multiplication of cells and spreading) low and slow it may take time to get detected!. These days most of the women are aware about the harms of this disease and they have ultrasound and mammogram and other tests done every year!. This will definetely show the exsistance of the disease!. Ultrasound can often show abnormalities which might go undetected on mammography due to extremely dense breast tissue!.

But it will not prolong to such a long period of 10 years without showing up or undetected!. As the time elapse the speed of multiplication of cancerous cells also will increase and definetely it is bound to show up in about 1 or 2 years!.

The symptoms of Breast cancer including lumps are -

Knowing the signs and symptoms of breast cancer may help save your life!. When the disease is discovered early, you have more treatment options and a better chance for a cure!.

Most breast lumps aren't cancerous!. Yet the most common sign of breast cancer for both men and women is a lump or thickening in the breast!. Often, the lump is painless!. Other potential signs of breast cancer include:

* A spontaneous clear or bloody discharge from your nipple, often associated with a breast lump
* Retraction or indentation of your nipple
* A change in the size or contours of your breast
* Any flattening or indentation of the skin over your breast
* Redness or pitting of the skin over your breast, like the skin of an orange

A number of conditions other than breast cancer can cause your breasts to change in size or feel!. Breast tissue changes naturally during pregnancy and your menstrual cycle!. Other possible causes of noncancerous (benign) breast changes include fibrocystic changes, cysts, fibroadenomas, infection or injury!.

If you find a lump or other change in your breast

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