Can an egg allergy appear overnight?!

Question: Can an egg allergy appear overnight!?
My daughter was at my moms house!. She had a cold (sore throat, coughing) that she was taking medicine for!. My mom calls me and said that when she woke up from her nap she had all these red spots all over her body!. So we went and took her to the ER!. (I'm 5 months pregnant and was terrified it was chicken pox) So we see the DR and he says to give her benedryl its probably an allergic reaction to something!. So we give her some the spots go away!. Later that night before bed she asks for scrambled eggs to eat!. I make them for her and she eats them, then falls esleep!. Later around 3am I woke up because she was coughing (to give her medicine) and when I turned the lights on I noticed the same spots are back, and she is itching them like crazy in her sleep!. I give her the medicine and they are gone by morning time when she wakes up!. So the next day I am trying to think what could have made those come again, then it pops in my head the eggs- I wonder if my mom gave her some!. Come to find out she did have scrambled eggs before her nap and earlier on in the morning!. She has been eating eggs for 2 years atleast!!! is it possible to get an egg allergy overnight!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't know scientifically what causes allergies!. However, my friend developed a nut allergy over night!. She ate nuts everyday until it nearly killed her! It is possible the same happen to your daughter!. Sorry to hear about that - eggs are such a great source of food!. :( Www@Answer-Health@Com


You can definately develop an egg allergy but I think in your situation it is very unlikely that it is eggs, but definately possible!. My son has a severe egg allergy and he reacted the 2nd time he ate eggs!. His entire face swelled so bad we could barely see his eyes and he was sneezing and the nose was like a faucet!. He had hives all over his face to, but not at all on his body!. Maybe it was something else that your daughter was exposed to- its so aggravating to know something is causing a rash or hives but you can't figure out what it is- trust me, I know all about it! Good Luck and hopefully she is not allergic to eggs because it is a hard ingredient to avoid!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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