Can i use neosporin to get rid of my piosion ivy?!

Question: Can i use neosporin to get rid of my piosion ivy!?
would it help prevent the itchiness!? i have this watery stuff coming outta the cuts cause ive been itching i dont know what it is it could be puss!. but how do i get rid of all of this!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

the watery stuff you described is the infection and plant toxin!. If this spreads, you'll get more poison ivy, like i did!.
I have it around my eyes, on my temples, neck, around my hiarline, on my arms, and my stomach!.
I ended up going to the doctor yesterday and got two steroid shots and it itches much much less!. It also dries up that liquid you're refering to!.
To help dry it up if you cant go to the doc, you need a poison ivy spray or gel!. Neopsorin will help it not scar, and will help it heal quicker, but will not dry up the poison!.
I use Benadryl clear gel anti-itch!. Try taking a benadryl pill tonight too!.
Wash your hands and scrub under your nails and try not to scratch!. Sleeping in a long sleeve shirt can help it not spread to other areas (like your face)!.
I soaked Q-tips in rubbing alcohol and put it on some of the areas that were not busted open (on my temples and neck and chest) and it seemed to help it dry up too!.
Poison Ivy can take weeks to dry up, i suggest a doctor's visit!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Avoid scratching!. As soon as you find out that you have poison ivy (usually 24-48 hours after you have been exposed to it) you'll start getting a rash and blisters!.
Wash as soon as possible with a product to remove the rash causing substance urushiol!. Urushiol is a resin-like substance that stubbornly attaches itself to skin in about 10-15 minutes and becomes nearly impossible to get off with soap and water!. Tecnu Extreme is a poison oak and ivy scrub that removes urushiol!. Just use it at a sink to wash exposed skin or hop in a shower with it and go to town, washing your entire body with it--even areas where the rash hasn't broken out yet!.
Apply topical hydrocortisone cream!. A strong over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream can relieve the itching and swelling associated with poison ivy, particularly if used in the early days of a reaction!. Some people find that hydrocortisone cream makes the symptoms worse in the long run!. While the ingredients work for several hours, these creams tend to moisturize the skin at a time when drying provides longer-lasting relief!. Still, make sure you use a product to remove the urushiol before your use hydrocortisone creams!. Otherwise the urushiol may still be on the skin and can spread by getting on sheets and towels, or by scratching!.

A poison ivy rashApply calamine lotion!. As the Coasters said in their immortal song Poison Ivy, "You

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