How do you get rid of Eczema?!

Question: How do you get rid of Eczema!?
I've had Eczema all of my life, and I've never really been able to get rid of it! Does anyone know how!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

heredity and genetics play a vital role in passing eczema from one generation to another!. it may appear at some point in your lives especially when the immune system is low!.

to avoid eczema flare ups there are lot of things to consider like:

* keeping fingernails trimmed
* using an all natural moisturizer throughout the day
* hydrating the skin by drinking loads of water
* avoiding foods that are processed and that have preservatives
* use natural fabrics that are soft
* avoid tight, rough and scratchy clothes
* do not sweat it, avoid activities that makes you sweat
* avoid temperatures that are extremely hot and cold
* avoid drastic change of weather
* try not to scratch the infected area
* watch and check out diet

for more tips about preventing eczema outbreaks visit http://www!.skinoriginal!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

Perfumes can make eczema more aggrivated!. You want to lean towards detergents that have no perfumes in it (I use regular Tide)!. Also you want to avoid soaps with perfumes, I recommend the regular Dove soap bar!. I was born with severe eczema and these are the things that my dermatologist recommended to my mother and I've used them ever since!.

There is no definite cure for eczema however you do eventually grow out of it to some degree!. I am 19 years old now and I rarely have any breakouts!. The only time I get the rash is in the cold winter months, and when I sweat in places like behind the knee, on the inside of my thighs, and more commonly the place where you bend your arm!. I had tried every type of anti-itch eczema-related cream that my dermatologist recommended and nothing worked!. One day I saw a commercial for 'Brand Power' and they had this new eczema cream that they highly recommended!. It is called 'Spectro EczemaCare Intense Rehydration Cream' and it goes for about $18-$20 dollars per 100g tube!. At first I thought I was getting ripped off for my money because with all the other creams I used I would use tons and tons of it to no avail!. However, with this cream all you have to use (depending on how large the breakout is) is a blob the size of a finger nail and just rub it in really good!. I purchased this cream in approx!. March of this year, and there is around half of the tube left!. The itch goes away in about 3-5 minutes and the eczema will disappear in 2-3 days or less!. With myself I only have to apply it once to the breakout area and it's gone within two days!. I really do recommend you try this because if they had this when I was a kid It would have been a personal jesus!.

Hope this helps!

unfortunately, there really is no actual cure for it yet

a way to reduce breakouts and rashes is to know what triggers your eczema and avoid it as much as possible (for me it is mold and cat dander)!. try to recognize your skin's patterns so that you can know what to do to prevent outbreaks

also, keep your skin well moisturized, and avoid frangranced products directly on your skinWww@Answer-Health@Com

Hello there!. Nobody knows for sure how (that is why there is no cure for all)!. What happens often is Eczema goes away on its own!. A lot of kids and teens have it but not many adults!. Take heart!. You may want to try herbal Cream/Spray combo from http://www!.champori!.com/ to mitigate the symptoms!. I go for months without a flare up after only a couple weeks of using it!.

I know what your are going thru is tough!. I myself had it!. I discovered it was mainly my diet!. I bought this book and it taught me much info!. You need to change your diet!. I think the link was http://www!.exezma!.nixhe!.com
Let me know if you have any other questionsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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