I have these weird bumps on my arm?!

Question: I have these weird bumps on my arm!?
They are all on my upper arms, there whitish the bumps don't itch or hurt and they feel like my skin i've had them since i was about 9 i am now 11 what do u think this is!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I get those a lot, they're from dry skin!. I think there's a medical name for it but I can't remember what it is!. Using a pumice stone and putting on lotion works for me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well heres 2 suggestions

1!. they are chigger bites!. The little buggies that fly up when u step in grass!. They way to get rid of those is to put clear nail polish on them!. It kills w/e it in side of them!.

2!. I have the same thing!. I cant recall what my doctor said they were!. You can get creams and lotions for them!.!.!.they dont work!. Or u can do this laser surgery!. I refused to do that, cuz they dont bother me that much!. I usually just pick at them!. (prob not good for them but o well)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think everyone has those!. These two girls with the username batman!.!.!. and dakota!.!.!. that answered your question also had a great answer!. I would try that, what they said is what i was going to say!. I don't think it's anything to be worried about though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have that too!. They're only dry skin bumps don't worry!. You can use lotion (I recommend Jergens) on your arms and the bumps should lessen or go away!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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