Neurological problems?!

Question: Neurological problems!?
For the past couple of weeks I've been having major problems with trying to remember things!. I have a pretty high IQ and intelligence and I am usually very able to concentrate, think and remember but lately I can't seem to explain myself, think clearly or even do the simplest things!.
Examples: reading, writing, using cutlery, even standing up properly!. (the other day I forgot what muscles were needed in order to stand up!)

My hand-eye co-ordination is pretty bad and I seem confused almost all the time!.
I haven't been sleeping very well until today, when I slept for 10 hours then woke up groggy, and suddenly suffering from anxiety and a panic attack!. I do have schizoaffective disorder which has been a little off lately but this seems to be something else entirely!.

Any ideas!? Should I even bother seeing a doctor!? Could this be something to worry about!? (bear in mind my doctor is an absolute idiot)!.


it seems there is something wrong with your cerebellum!. that's the part of your brain that controls motor function!. i'd probably advise you to see a doctor!. and if your not comfortable with yours, you should probably see a new one!. from what i can tell though, you might have mercury poisoning!. what you just described are the symptoms of it!. but if you don't have any skin rashes or swelling, i wouldn't worry too much!. what drugs, if any, are you taking for your schizo-affective disorder!? that might be affecting you!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Since you have a "pretty high IQ" you doubtlessly know there is something not right!. Because your doctor may be "an absolute idiot," why don't you check in with a) your school health professional, or b) a hospital ER!?
Whjatever you do, don't ignore these alarms!. They won't magically go away!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Find a good neurologist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ur lucky to be having symptoms that distinctly show that somethin s wrong wid u!.

I have a high enough IQ too,but suddenly b4 5 yrs I started bungling things and my performance went down!. I could nt eat properly,became damn irate and a there were a hundred other subtle symptoms!.I was barely 13 or 14 then,so I never went to a doc!.IF I HAD, MY LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY DIFF NOW!
It seems I had a disorder in my brain that could be cured easily!.!.

PLZ DONT IGNORE SUCH SYMPTOMS,AND GET A BETTER DOC IF U HAVE TO!.Ur well-being is worth the expenditure!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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