Help! How do you get rid of poison ivy fast?!?!?!?!?!

Question: Help! How do you get rid of poison ivy fast!?!!?!!?!!?!!?
I have poison ivy on my eyelid and all around my face and pretty much every place else!. I'm more concerned with the poison ivy on my eye!. My eyelid's a little swollen and well i just look weird! I have my first day of high school in 10 days and I really need it to be gone!. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me!Www@Answer-Health@Com

my daughter just got it all over her body, a couple of days ago!. i took her to the hospital and they gave her pills called prednisone and a cream called betameth val!. and in 48 hours her swelling is gone and the poison ivy is drying up she looks so much better!. they told her to stay out of the pool and sun, take cold showers and use benadryl!. She also said the cream made it stop itching immediately!. The benadryl will help you sleep!. If you don't want anything that will make you tired ask for a prescription of claratin !. i hope this was helpful!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dude, dont worry about it if you have 10 days till high school, just dont scratch and make sure to clean things you touch daily (tooth brushes,game controllers etc!.) just take plenty of showers and it'll be gone before you know it!. It will seem like it lasts forever but it'll be gone soon enough!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Heres what you do!.

Get baking powder and put it in a bath full of HOT water!. Rub it all over your body and your face!. Now on your eyelid dont use the water!. Take some baking soda from the package and rub it on your eyelid!. After you take a bath use baking soda and rub that like a powder on your body!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

calomine lotion and goldbond though you'll be hard pressed to find something thats safe to use on and around your eyesWww@Answer-Health@Com

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