Head lice major help!?!

Question: Head lice major help!!?
I deffinitly have dandruff, btu I might have lice too! I just recovered from like 3 weeks ago, and I did the 2nd treatment!. There are little kids that have lice next door btu i havn't been to close to them!. What do I do! My head is itchy but i have dandruff!!! I am too scared to tell my dad again!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Gee, you have got some weirdos answering your question!. Sorry to hear your dad is not being very sympathetic to your situation, I hope I can help you out!.

You don't need to worry too much!. If you haven't got an infestation, don't go treating yourself with pesticide treatments!. Not only is this an overwhelmingly drastic measure, chemical head lice treatments are not meant to work in this way!.

Get yourself some tea tree oil from your local health food store and mix 10 drops of it in with some water into a spray bottle!. You can also mix it with some leave in conditioner!. This will repel any live lice!. Straighten your hair with a hot iron, this will pop any nits!.

You really don't have to worry too much about it until you find live lice in your hair!. Until then take these prevention methods and you should be fine!.

If you have an infestation, please see the following website for more articles and information!.

Good Luck with both the head lice and your father!.

Ps if you send me a private message I may have something that can really help with the headlice situation!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its probably not dandruff that you are seeing, it's the lice or their nits!. You have to tell you dad that you still have lice!. Yes, I say still have it--you may have treated it a few weeks ago, but you didn't get rid of the nits!. Nits are the lice's eggs!. They lay them in your hair and you have to get rid of every one or you will have a occurrence!.

There are two main products available in the grocery store!. There is also a medication that the doctor can give you, but it's very toxic and you want to avoid it!. The shampoo is called RID and the conditioner is called NIX!. Some people claim to have been helped by putting mayonnaise in their hair!. You will need a fine toothed comb and help from an adult!. I highly recommend that all persons in your household be checked as well!.

Lice have a defense mechanism where they close up when wet with water!. That's why the mayonnaise can be effective--the lice are smothered When you use the Rid shampoo, do not wet your hair with water first!. Put the Rid directly onto your hair!. This way the lice will be smothered!. Follow the directions on the label and it is ok to use your regular conditioner!. Two days later use the NIx, following the directions on the label!.

Now, after each treatment, get someone to help you!. Sit where there is good lighting!. They will use the small comb and go thru your hair, picking out every nit!. You'll need to do this every day for many days!.

Meanwhile, do not lean back on upholstered furniture such as sofas, and chairs!. Do not lay down on a carpet!. Vacume these areas well!. Take your bed pillows, stuffed animals, ect and put them into a plastic bag for a few weeks!. Yes I said weeks!. When you are ready to get them out again, put them into the drier on a hot setting!. This will kill all lice and nits!. Clean or replace your combs and brushes!. Do not share these with anyone else!. Do not try on hats belonging to someone else!. Take the sheets and blankets off of your bed!. Wash them in the hottest water they can take and dry them on hot as well!. Vacume your bed!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you have lice, the longer you wait, the worse it gets!. you need to have it checked out first of all!. second, all your pillows and bedding and sheets have to be treated when you treat your hair!. the spray for non washables, like your mattress and the pillow and the couch and stuff is called Rid, you must wash all things associated with your hair including towels!.

if you find that you do not have lice or the nits [eggs] then it might be that your head is itchy from both the treatment and from the dandruff!. a really good home remedy for dandruff is to wash hair, rinse, and then pour a cup with 7oz warm water and 1 oz cider vinegar, [you can use white vinegar in a pinch], over your head!. make sure to rub it into the hair and also the scalp!. this will also detangle your hair!. rinse well with cool water!. do not use conditioner!. you won't need it!. lots of luck with this!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

For the dandruff, try Neutrogena T-Gel Shampoo!. It's super strong, but if you use it every other day for a week it should start to clear it up!.
As for the lice, when you got treated for it did you use lice treatment shampoo such as "Rid"!? And has your house been treated with lice spray (bed sheets, chairs, pillows, the car)!?
If not, you'll have to do it again!.
I know it's embarassing, but it isn't your fault!. Just tell you Dad and offer the treatment to those kids if you can!. If you don't get treated, they won't go away on their own!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You'll need 3 things:
1 - Icepick
1 - Razor
1 - Lighter

Shave one half of your head!.
Light the other half of your hair on fire!.
Stab the lice with an ice pick as they run across to the other side!.

Also, kill your neighbor's crotchfruit for best preventative measures!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When i was going down on your mama i ended up with headliceWww@Answer-Health@Com

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