Do herpes recurrences eventually stop?!

Question: Do herpes recurrences eventually stop!?
I know that herpes simplex is always in your system forever and ever, but I read in a leaflet that the recurrences should stop after 2 years!. Is this true!? And if this is the case, does it mean that you can no longer pass it on after this time!?
No guesses please, real answers only!

Unfortunately, once you're infected, you could always be contagious, at any time, whether you have a visible outbreak or not!.
Some people get outbreaks on a regular basis for many many years!. Some people get just one or two then never again!.
Herpes outbreaks, from what I've read and experienced, are triggered by stress and your overall immune system health!. If you stay healthy, eat lots of veggies, get plenty of sleep, don't overdo the sugar or caffeine, don't stress out about stuff, then you may be able to avoid having outbreaks, or at least keep them few and far between!. But that doesn't mean not contagious!.
I've never read the two year thing, but I did read that after ten years or more they may decrease!. But again, you could technically still be contagious!. While the virus may not be on the outside at that time, you must always assume it is, for the safety of your partners!. You just can't tell when it will be there and able to infect someone!.
This virus truly sucks for young single people!. It can be hard, and all my support goes out to you!.
This guy's blog has lots of great, holistic info on herpes!. http://herpesnation!.blogspot!.com/
He's a naturopathic doctor who has developed a seaweed gel that, when used with a condom, greatly reduces herpes transmission!. The seaweed is anti-viral!. It's very interesting!.
Also, here's another very informative article: http://www!.the-peak!.ca/article/3587-herp!.!.!.
Good luck!


Thats a good question, but the answer is probably uncertain because most people infected with the virus take Valtrex or another drug to control the outbreaks!. Once you do this you start messing with you bodies ability to control the disease on its own!. The virus begins to grow resistant to medication after years of use, and actually starts to multiply the virus even more!. Ive had the virus for a little over a year and had been relatievly asymtpomatic, and have never taken a single pill!. When I get to two years I'll let you know how it goes :) !.!.!. I dont think its that easy though, it would make sense considering some people say the body can expel HPV from the body in around the same time!. So I dont know, I hope so, but probably would take more than 2 years for such an aggresive virus, if its even possible!.

If you dnt want any guesses, then the answer is no, are you happy now!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

after a couple of years out breaks tend to get less severe but the recurrences don't stop all together!. i have herpes and for the first year the out breaks were agonizingly painful!. once u have herpes u have it for life!. u are less contagious when u don't have out breaks but that doesn't mean that u can't pass herpes on, the virus is still in your body regardless if there are out breaks or not!. there is still a small chance that u can pass herpes on in between out breaks and that is further reduced if u are taking suppressive or anti-viral medication!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are correct that the herpes virus will remain in your body and you will always run the risks for an outbreak!. Although the frequency of outbreaks generally subsides after a period of time, you will always pose the risk of transmission, sometimes prior to experiencing symptoms of an oncoming outbreak!. Speak to your physician about a daily anti-viral regimen to help control your symptoms, frequency of outbreaks as well as risk of transmission!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The short answer is; unfortunately no!.
With medicine at its current level, there is no cure for herpes; and although you are statistically unlikely to get a recurrence after 2 years; if you do, then it is infective!.


Once you've got herpes, you've got it for life!. Certain things can make it recur, such as ill health or stress!. You can pass it on at just about any time, so always be safe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is with you forever and you can pass it on forever, but only when it is actually 'active' !. Recurrences get further apart and less severe usually as time goes by!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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