What makes a mosquito bite itch?!

Question: What makes a mosquito bite itch!?
When a mosquito bites you, it leaves some of it's saliva in your body after it leaves!. This causes the release of a chemical called histamine, which your body sends out if it doesn't know what a foreign substance is doing in your body!. If enough histamine is released, it causes the itching because it inflames the skin!.

If you ever want to cure a mosquito bit, try really hot water, but not so hot that you'll burn yourself, just hot enough that it will feel like it's going to burn but you can handle it!. Heat brings out more histamine, which may make your itching worse for some seconds, but then when all the histamine is used up in that area, it takes your body a few hours to produce more histamine, so in the meantime, no itching! :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

When a mosquito bites you, she not only takes some blood, but she leaves behind her saliva!. It's what she leaves behind that makes you itch!. The saliva has a blood thinner that keeps your blood from clotting!. The saliva also mixes with your blood, and in response your body produces histamines that cause inflammation and itching!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's silava causes an iritate in your skin, causing it to redden and grow larger as the silalva spreads while your body attempts to flush it out!.


When it bites you, it injects its own saliva, and its saliva contains something that keeps ur blood flowing instead of clotting!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The anticoagulant it has in its saliva to make your blood easyer for it to drink!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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