Can you help me with pros and cons of surgery.!

Question: Can you help me with pros and cons of surgery!.
im 15, and i have acute lymphocytic leukemia[all]and it also developed into hodgkins lymphoma!. i have a tumor in my brain[not sure whether it is malignant or not]it causes me migraines where i cant get out of bed for days at a time, but my mom made it my decision whether to operate!. i have no idea!. i was wondering, does anyone know what my chances would be if the surgery was successful of living!. i also have type 1 diabetes!.[that doesnt play a roll in the cancer, just increased dying risk i think] but if anyone is willing to help make the decision easier i would appreciate it!.

i tried to ask my mom and stepdad, but they just tell me ''its your decision'' and im needing some help!.

im not scared to die, i just dont want to go yet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i'm really sorry about your condition, i'll try to help as much as i can!. First of all, i would like to know if you have consulted your doctor about your condition first or if you are qualified for surgery in the first place!? Because if if you are undergoing chemotherapy for your ALL nd Hodgkin's Lymphoma, then you are not qualified for surgery in the first place!. Your body is already immunocompromised enough and will make it hard to tolerate the post-operative period!. Next, is are you aware what kind of brain tumor you have!? This is because the kind of brain tumor you have may affect the surgical decision of the doctor!. All in all, the doctor that is currently attending you may give the best advice on this, he has all your pathology reports and all of your medical recods and thus can make the best decision for you!. In fact he can greatly help you in reducing your headache even without the help of surgery!. And last of all, never be afraid to ask your doctor for help and advice, he became a doctor to help people in the first place and is wise enough to aid you in making the decisions for you!. hope this helps!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

If it is malignant then yes you should really consider getting it, but if it is not malignant then you need to decide if the improvement in the quality of your life is worth risking it!. Brain surgery isn't always that dangerous because it matters on where the tumor is placed, so without more information i can't really give you an informed answer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

by the sounds of it your parents dont sound very worried!. im sure the doctors have gone over this kinda thing with your parents!. they will probabally be alot more worried if your chances were low!.

a friend of mine had a similar problem, he had surgery eventually because he suddenlly blacked out and a load of things happened!.

now he's fine!.

id say, unless your really uncomfortable with surgery, id go for it!.

im sure whatever you do, it will be the right decision in the end and i wish you the best of luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well i think it is a good idea to hear what others may think!. Have you spoken to your doctor yourself and heard what he thinks!. Do other searches on the internet to see what you can read up about it!. Stay strong !Www@Answer-Health@Com

It would help if you would explain precisely what sort of brain tumor you have!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

im sorry sweetie!. your parents are being selfish by not talking to you about this!. your doctors need to sit all of you down and tell you if the surgery is worth it or not!. if there are other options!? its hard to give you advice b/c its brain surgery which is one of the most serious surgeries obviously there is!. yes, you can die from surgery but thats true with any surgery!. but maybe the possible benefits are worth it!. tell your parents you cant make this decision on your own and that you need them to take you to the dr's for a talk!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hodgkins has a pretty decent prognosis compared to some cancers, and the treatment has hugely improved over the years!. I won't say it can be "cured" though!.

So regarding the tumour, has the surgeon spoken to you about the level of risks!?

Operating on a brain tumour can be anything from reasonably straightforward for a good surgeon, to hugely complicated, depending on how big it is, where it is in your brain, what type it is, and so on!.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Is the tumour badly affecting my quality of life!?
Would that improve a lot if I had the operation!?
Is the surgeon confident that the operation has a good chance of success!?

Diabetes increases the risks with any type of surgery, and can lead to poor wound healing!. In brain surgery, the risk of a stroke is greater for diabetics!. You need to have really good medical management of the diabetes before, during and after the surgery (see source below)!.

You just have to decide what quality of life you want, whether the operation will give you a worthwhile improvement over what you have, and whether the surgeon feels the chances of success are good!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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