I cant find anything that tells you the causes oh vaginal thrush?!

Question: I cant find anything that tells you the causes oh vaginal thrush!?
Candida Albicans, the causal organism, is found at low levels in virtually all vaginae!. The warm, dark, moist conditions are ideal for it's survival!. However most of the 'space' for infection is taken up by lactobacilli, a bacterium that lives and thrives in the normal adult vagina, acting as a commensal, (mutually useful organism,) preventing other infections!.

Anything that damages or changes the conditions in the vagina disrupts the growth of lactobacilli and allows other organisms, most frequently candida to grow and expand, causing infection!.

The classical cause is the use of broad spectrum antibiotics, which kill the lactobacilli as a side effect!. Simple changes in the pH, or acid levels in the vagina, can also allow fungal overgrowth!. In some women this can occur every month at period time!. Pregnancy, the pill, intercourse and the use of antiseptics can also result in an increased risk of thrush!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Anti-biotics are a good culprit for causing thrush!.
Yeast or Candida is a fungus that occurs naturally in the vagina ,mouth, digestive system and other parts of the body!.

Infections are most common in premature babies, in adults who debilitate by general ill health and in those with a suppressed immune system!.
causes for infection include
*Suppressed immune system
*The use of vaginal sponges and intrauterine devices
*Antibiotics kill off friendly bacteria
*tightly fitted clothes or poorly ventilated underwear increases body temperature and moisture!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is basically an overgrowth of yeast or fungus (yeast is a fungus)!. This yeast is always present!.Thankfully, most of the time our 'good' bacteria will keep the yeasts from over populating!. It is the over abundance of yeast that will cause symptoms!. Click on the link for some of the reasons this imbalance of yeast versus 'good' bacteria can occur!. There are many!. Even though a yeast infection can be passed between sexual encounters, I would not say this is threatening like other sexually transmitted diseases!. Additionally, thrush is what it is commonly called when the yeast infection occurs in the mouth!. It is called vaginitis or vaginal yeast infection when it occurs in the vagina!.


Vaginal thrush is caused by a lot of things eg antibiotics, too much yeast, unprotected sex the list can go on even wearing pads!. U can get over the counter cream with tablets included which u insert into the vagina in any chemist!. It can be re-occurring!. It's nothing to be ashamed of!.!.!.!.!.it's even advertised on T!.V!. So get to the chemist don't ignore it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Thrush is an overgrowth of yeast due to an imbalance in the pH of the environment!. This can occur after taking antibiotics that kill all of the organism, both good and bad!. It can also be related to systemic problems!. You need to see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

From what I know, thrush is a yeast infection in someones mouth!. My son and my daughter both had it when they were born!. Are you taking any antibiotics!? That can lead to it!. So basically, its just a yeast infection!. Go and get some monistat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Vaginal thrush is a vaginal infection caused by a fungus or yeast!.

check out http://www!.gmhc!.org/health/treatment/fac!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

have you been taking antobiotics recently,than can trigger thrush off!.go check it out at the docs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

having sex when your not clean or he is not clean or wearing no underwear is another one that can cause itWww@Answer-Health@Com

what causes it!? Well if it's an STD I can tell you how you get it!.!. But chances are you'll get it anywaysWww@Answer-Health@Com

The main cause is HO-ism!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

look on googlenhsdirect that will help you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hot weather brings it on so let air get to it & keep it cool!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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