Do I have measles?!

Question: Do I have measles!?
is it possible i have measles!?

-Itchy rash (spotty)
-headache, fever, cough!.
-ear ache

- the rash is only on my stomache

could it just be a heat rash!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Measles are extremely rare in the US!. More likely chicken pox, fifth disease, or just heat rash or some other minor rash that happened to occur when you were feeling sick!. If you had a sore throat I'd say strep was a possibility!. Strep with rash is called Scarlett Fever which sounds much more dramatic than it is!. Check the internet about chicken pox, the rash does occur on the trunk first then spreads to the legs and arms, but it has a real specific appearance!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is definitely not measles if it is itching!. Further it is unlikely to be a virus infection if it is itching!.
Fever rash and cough and itching will not be the pattern of a heat rash!., because fever and coughing are not characteristic of a heat rash!.
It is probably an allergic manifestation because in such a condition all your symptoms can exist together!.
But your ear ache confuses me!.

It is best to take home remedies and watch and show a doctor if needed!.
As suggested above it is definitely not chicken pox because
the rash consists of shiny ,watery blisters and there is no itching!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have yooou had the MMR vvaccination!? It sounds like measles to me!. Try http://www!.wrongdiagnosis!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

probably heat rash!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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