Red spots on lips? What could it be?!

Question: Red spots on lips!? What could it be!?
A coupld of days ago i woke up, and my lips were kind of sore and felt chapped but ive been putting medex on it and other chapsticks

my lips are a lot redder than normal, and theres redder spots on them what else could it be!? theres no bumps or anything, no change in anything i put on my lips/face
could they just be really chapped!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Chapped lips can look really red - pieces of skin can fall off - and there can be red patches!. I would keep an eye on it for a few days and see a physician if they don't clear up (sometimes you can have an infection that causes your "chapped lips" and it won't clear up on its own)!. I'm posting a picture to put you at ease of a woman with severely chapped lips - it probably looks like what is going on with you!

By the way - blistex lip cream - I'll post a picture too - is like a lotion for your lips - it really helps heal them - it's the only product I've found that can help!.

Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just sounds like some sort of irritation!. If it begins to blister, becomes painful, or does not go away after a few days you should see a doctor!. If you cannot wait then you should make an appointment now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Question is!.!.!.
Where have your been!?
Could be Allergies!Www@Answer-Health@Com

A few worrisome things can cause bright red lips!. Carbon monoxide poisoning is one, but you usually don't see cherry red lips initially!. There are other symptoms--mainly headaches and fatigue!. If anyone else in your household has similar symptoms you should get out immediately and seek immediate medical attention!.
There are certain blood disorders than can cause similar symptoms to yours--if you have easy bruising anywhere or red bumps elsewhere on the body, you should see a doctor soon!. Usually, these problems are preceded by some sort of illness and you may have fevers!. Flat red spots are called petichae and are an indication that the blood vessels have burst!. They can come about from vomiting (most commonly around the eyes) or bad platelets!. The platelets go bad in a host of issues that can cause thrombocytopenia (low platelets)!. Low platelets can lead to easy bleeding in areas inside your body!. If you think this is what you have, you need to see a doctor to figure out what is going on!. It would be impossible to diagnose this over the internet!.
If you are having any difficulty breathing or feeling that your throat is closing off, that is an emergency and you need to go to an ER!.
You could, also, very well have an allergic reaction assuming no other symptoms!. You probably had chapped lips and started using stuff on them to make it better!. The stuff you're using could be causing an allergic reaction (as everyone else is saying on this post)!. Best way to find out is to stop using all products on your lips--to include regular lipstick!. Neosporin type products (topical antibiotics) commonly lead to skin allergies that are mistaken for infections!. Since people think they have an infection, they use more and the "infection" spreads--but it's frequently the medication itself causing the reaction!. I'd wash off anything you have on your lips!. Don't apply any thing new!. You might try an allergy medicine (Benadryl--aka diphenhydramine is best, but makes people drowsy--if you are drowsy with red lips--may mimic carbon monoxide poisoning as above)!. Oh, and yes, some people do develop allergic reactions to things they have used before!. It's called a type IV allergic reaction or Delayed-type hypersensitivity!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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