Inhaler doesn't seem to help.?!

Question: Inhaler doesn't seem to help!.!?
I still feel like when I breathe in deeply there's a barrier not letting me complete the breathing and it feels SOO ******* annoying and bad sometimes!.!.Should I wait it out or go to the doctor again!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Let's start with a couple of questions!. Are you taking your inhaler correcting!? Are you using a spacing chamber!? Do you wait a full minute between dosages!? Do you hold your breath in for a minimum of 5 seconds for the medication to deposit into the airways!? How old is the inhaler!? Have you counted down the number of doses you have taken off of it!? Are you aware that there are 200 'puffs' in each inhaler!?
If you are using an inhaler that is in code and you have the correct amount in it, I'll assume that you are using a spacer and have moderately good technique!. If all of this is the case and you still are having dificulty breathing then get you butt to the doctor!. NEVER mess with your lungs!. If the bronchitis hasn't cleared and the inhaler ins't working it may have progressed into pneumonia!. Look at your finger tips, if the color under the nail beds is grey or blue, skip the doctors office and go directly to the nearest ER as this is a sign of low blood oxygen level and is quite dangerous!. (Don't drive yourself) have someone else do the driving!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should have a different inhaler, at least two at the same time!. One blue and one orange!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i would go to a docture asap, before your case worsensWww@Answer-Health@Com

have a good oneWww@Answer-Health@Com

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