Can DOGS Make My Baby's Asthma Worse?!

Question: Can DOGS Make My Baby's Asthma Worse!?
I know cat's can but can DOGS!? He is only 5 months old!


Depending on what the baby is allergic to is what causes the asthma attacks!.

My sister was allergic to all dander from animal hair, including human hair - yeah!! her own hair!!!

With my nephew, we were advised to have no carpets, drapes, anything in his room!. The matress covered with plastic, the pillow the same, and absolutely NO stuffed toys!! Every surface had to be wiped down twice a day to keep all dust away from him!.

Each of us must try the things that might cause a reaction, then eliminate those things from our lives!.

There is a possibility your baby can have a dog, but one of the more noncomogenic ones, like Chihuahua, Peke, Poodles, etc!. They have much less dander than some others!.

Cats kept indoors, I can tolerate!! Cats that are allowed to go out, give me attacks!!! So sometimes it is what the animal gets to do that causes reactions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was a severe asthmatic as a child!. Asthma is brought on by a number of things!. I was not allergic to dog hair!. I was as a child allergic to cat hair but not as an adult, I am not!. The worst thing is cedar trees and pine trees since your baby is young I thought I would give you a heads up to real trees at Christmas time!. Not a good idea!. Humidity is also a big problem for asthmatics!. I have a setting on my air conditioner that is Dehumid,it is really great in the summer!. It cools as well as takes the humidity out of the air!. Spring and Fall are the worst seasons!. I hope this helps you!. Good luck with your baby!. Dust your home daily especially the babies room!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If your son is allergic to dog hair,then yes they can! u should put an air purifier in his room,and vacuum every day,try to keep the dogs out of the place he sleeps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes they can its the hairs off a animal that can irritate the childs asthma im not saying it will but it can xWww@Answer-Health@Com


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