Burning lips?!

Question: Burning lips!?
So i got back from disneyland sunday night around ten or eleven!. i woke up the next day and the very corners of my mouth were dry!. The tuesday or wednesday i woke up and my lips were burning, and it really hurts!. There's a red ring on the inside of my lips if i open my mouth a little!. There's dead skin around there as well!. What's wrong!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like your lips may have gotten sunburned (yes!.!.!.lips get sunburn too!!!!!)

I would suggest that you use some aloe to help soothe the irritation!.!.!.and in the future!.!.!.use some lip balm with sunscreen protection!. Banana Boat has some really great products to help protect your skin from sun rays!.

Also, you may want to take an inventory of what you've eaten if you have food alergies!. Sometimes when we're on vacation, we are not as careful with keeping up with this sort of things!. If you have skin alergies, I say make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible!.!.!.don't try to treat on your own!.

Hope this helps!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Could be sun burn!.!.!.Keep lots of chap stick with sun screen on you lips and see if it doesn't feel betterWww@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like you have some type of inflammation!. You need a dr for helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

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